Our electrostatic painting services provide efficient, cost-effective, and a clean method of painting for any project.
Spray Finishes
A Division of Stone Services
Whether you are a contractor, professional, or residential end user, Spray Finishes can help you with your project. Electrostatic spray painting has been our specialized business since 1938, with work being done on site or in our 10,000 square foot shop. We are available for on site estimates to answer any of your project related questions, and discuss specifics such as color matching and lead time.
We can custom match physical samples of existing colors, as well as a wide array of manufacturer’s standard paint colors
Our services range from Commercial Property, Residential, Contractors, End Users, and much more.
We can visit any job site and provide an estimate on any work that you need to have spray painted.
We will be happy to visit any job site and give you an estimate
We specialize in
electrostatic painting &
specialty spray painting
Refresh your office with Stone Services’ on-site electrostatic painting. We have been in the electrostatic spray painting business since 1938. While we specialize in on site finishing, we also have a 10,000 square foot shop for larger jobs that need to be done off site.
If you are looking to electrostatically spray paint file cabinets, windows, bathroom partitions, elevator doors, or lockers electrostatic spray painting is the best way to do so. This on site equivalent to a powder coated finish, your surfaces will be like new as quickly as overnight. The spray painting process is beneficial as it reduces overspray and can save you up to 80% of the cost it would take to replace furniture.
Contact Us Today
p: 718.293.2055 | info@stoneservices.com